Modern Slavery | Vetro
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Modern Day Slavery Prevention


Vetro Recruitment Ltd and Vetro Health Ltd recognise that all businesses have an obligation to prevent slavery and human trafficking and will do all in its power to prevent slavery and human trafficking within its business and within the supply chains through which it operates.

We are committed to developing robust practices that serve to identify and combat modern slavery and human trafficking in all its forms across all aspects of our business and supply chains. This is both a statutory and moral duty which is embraced by all our people.

We are passionate about eradicating this immoral and criminal activity and have set out our approach to this in the following documents:

Vetro's Modern Day Slavery Statement
Vetro's Modern Day Slavery Policy
Guidance to clients on preventing Modern Day slavery
Vetro's Whistleblowing Policy


Communicating the importance of recognising possible indicators of modern slavery and human trafficking is core to Vetro Recruitment Limited's processes and procedures supported by ongoing training. Collectively, the business actively looks for and will escalate indicators that could identify potential victims.

To help develop an understanding of what to look for that may help identify signs of potential human trafficking, forced labour or any other hidden labour exploitation, please watch the video below.

If you spot any of the signs, please report it to any of the following:


Trusted Manager or Vetro Whistleblowing email, click HERE


The Gangmasters & Labour Abuse Authority: 0800 4320804 


Modern Slavery Helpline: 0800 0121 700